Our supplements can be safely consumed together, ensuring optimal absorption.
Through our recommendation algorithm and personalized Experience provided on our website and app, we take measures to guarantee the following:
Preventing any risk of overdosing among the supplements
Our system for recommending and customizing Cuures from our catalog prevents the creation of combinations that could lead to overdosing when taken together. For instance, it's not possible to order two products whose combined Zinc dosages would exceed a daily dose of 15 mg. That's why it's not feasible to pair our Zinc with the Women's or Men's Anti-Hair Loss Complex.
Enhancing better supplement absorption
When creating personalized Cuures, our algorithm considers potentially negative interactions among different supplements. Thus, we ensure that the suggested combinations promote optimal absorption of each supplement, avoiding interferences that might reduce their effectiveness. For example, Vitamin B9 diminishes the effectiveness of Digestive Enzymes. Therefore, we ensure your pouches don’t contain products containing both Vitamin B9 and Digestive Enzymes.
Similarly, White Mulberry and Digestive Enzymes utilize the same receptors in the body, so taking them together would be counterproductive. Generally, it's not recommended to take minerals together (such as Zinc and Iron) as they compete for absorption, reducing their respective effectiveness. However, in our case, it's perfectly possible to combine different minerals, as we've chosen highly assimilable bisglycinate forms that don't compete with each other.
Through our recommendation algorithm and personalized Experience provided on our website and app, we take measures to guarantee the following:
Preventing any risk of overdosing among the supplements
Our system for recommending and customizing Cuures from our catalog prevents the creation of combinations that could lead to overdosing when taken together. For instance, it's not possible to order two products whose combined Zinc dosages would exceed a daily dose of 15 mg. That's why it's not feasible to pair our Zinc with the Women's or Men's Anti-Hair Loss Complex.
Enhancing better supplement absorption
When creating personalized Cuures, our algorithm considers potentially negative interactions among different supplements. Thus, we ensure that the suggested combinations promote optimal absorption of each supplement, avoiding interferences that might reduce their effectiveness. For example, Vitamin B9 diminishes the effectiveness of Digestive Enzymes. Therefore, we ensure your pouches don’t contain products containing both Vitamin B9 and Digestive Enzymes.
Similarly, White Mulberry and Digestive Enzymes utilize the same receptors in the body, so taking them together would be counterproductive. Generally, it's not recommended to take minerals together (such as Zinc and Iron) as they compete for absorption, reducing their respective effectiveness. However, in our case, it's perfectly possible to combine different minerals, as we've chosen highly assimilable bisglycinate forms that don't compete with each other.